Expert Corner: A Unique Coexistence of an Indigenous Tribe (Adivasi) with Tigers in the Western Ghats of India
Collation of indigenous and local knowledge as evidence base for herpetofauna conservation outside protected areas: case study from an agricultural landscape in Eastern India
Securing biodiversity, securing our future: a national mission on biodiversity and human well-being for India
Pastoralism in the highest peaks: role of the traditional grazing systems in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem function in the alpine Himalaya
The potential role of social media in support of otter conservation in the Indian Himalayan biodiversity hotspot
Double mulching improves soil properties and productivity of maize based cropping system in eastern Indian Himalayas
Crop productivity, soil health, and energy dynamics of Indian Himalayan intensified organic maize-based systems
Effect of land cover on channel form adjustment of headwater streams in a lateritic belt of West Bengal (India)