Pollination is a critical ecosystem service underpinning the productivity of agriculturalsystems across the world. Wild insect populations provide a substantial contribution to theproductivity of many crops and seed set of wildflowers. However, large-scale evidenceon species-specific trends among wild pollinators are lacking. Here we show substantialinter-specific variation in pollinator trends, based on occupancy models for 353 wild beeand hoverfly species in Great Britain between 1980 and 2013. Furthermore, we estimate a netloss of over 2.7 million occupied 1 km2grid cells across all species. Declines in pollinatorevenness suggest that losses were concentrated in rare species. In addition, losses linked tospecific habitats were identified, with a 55% decline among species associated with uplands.This contrasts with dominant crop pollinators, which increased by 12%, potentially inresponse agri-environment measures. The general declines highlight a fundamental dete-rioration in both wider biodiversity and non-crop pollination services.