Soil biota contribute substantially to multiple ecosystem functions that are key for geochemical cycles and plant performance. However, soil biodiversity is currently threatened by land-use intensification, and a mechanistic understanding of how soil biodiversity loss interacts with the myriad of intensification elements is still unresolved. Here we experimentally simplified soil biological communities in microcosms to test whether changes in the soil microbiome influenced soil multifunctionality including crop productivity (leek, Allium porrum). Additionally, half of microcosms were fertilized to further explore how different levels of soil biodiversity interact with nutrient additions. Our experimental manipulation achieved a significant reduction of soil alphadiversity (45.9% reduction in bacterial richness, 82.9% reduction in eukaryote richness) and resulted in the complete removal of key taxa.
Soil Microbial Biodiversity Promotes Crop Productivity and Agro-Ecosystem Functioning in Experimental Microcosms
Year: 2023